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Fathers Day Gift Ideas

Did you know that we welcome both males and females at Roamer Holistic Health & Beauty? With this in mind we’ve started thinking about Fathers Day on 21st June 2015 and have put together a list of Fathers Day Gift Ideas.

  • Gift Voucher – we offer gift vouchers for specific treatments or a value. Why not help him de-stress with an Aromatherapy Back Massage or Reflexology treatment? Or a men’s Dermalogica Prescriptive Facial – these are becoming increasingly favoured and are no longer as taboo! Gift vouchers can be bought in salon, over the phone on (028) 9181 5777 or online.
  • Limited Edition Dermalogica Shave Essentials Kit – includes travel friendly sizes of Daily Clean Scrub, Soothing Shave Cream and Post Shave Balm for only £15. Products can be bought in salon, over the phone on (028) 9181 5777 or online.
  • Specialist Clinic Appointment – every Wednesday evening we hold our two specialist clinics, Sports Injury Massage and Reiki. Why not book him in for some alone time. Sports Injury Massage is priced from £25 for 30mins and £30 for 45mins. Reiki is priced at £15 for 30mins and £30 for 60mins. Appointments can be made over the phone on (028) 9181 5777 or online.


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