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The Importance of SPF

Well what is SPF?

We all know (or should know) the importance of protecting our skin with an SPF, but a lot of people aren’t aware that you never have full protection.

The SPF, or sun protection factor, refers to the amount of protection from UV radiation that a sunscreen offers. (It’s important to note that SPF refers to protection from only the UVB rays, not UVA rays.) More or less, the higher the SPF, the more protection. There is a certain point, though, where higher SPF doesn’t give you that much more protection. A sunscreen with SPF 15 protects from 93% of the sun’s UVB rays and a sunscreen of SPF 30 protects from 97% of the sun’s UVB rays, with an SPF 50 offering 98%.

Dermalogica’s NEW Protection 50 Sport SPF50 offers this higher protection and used with After Sun Repair, helps to soothe the skin after UV exposure and aiming to repair damaged skin.

Get both of these products NOW for ONLY £55 and receive an exclusive Beach Bag (worth £25) FREE!!


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